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Roads Office,
1 Dean Street,
Tel:(056) 7794300
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For further information on National Roads projects, see also the Transport Infrastructure Ireland websit
Roads Design Section- Information
Updates as at 16 January 2003
- N8 Quality Pavement Improvement Johnstown to Laois County Boundary
- N9 Priority Maintenance
- N9 Mullinavat Streets
- N10 Quality Pavement Improvement Paulstown to Kilkenny
- N10/N76 Kilkenny Ring Road
- N24 Piltown / Fiddown Bypass
- N25 Waterford Bypass
- N25 Waterford to New Ross
- N25 New Ross Second River Crossing & Bypass
- N76 Kilkenny Ring Road to Brownstown / Rathaleek
- N77 New Road Roundabout
- N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension
- N77 Kilkenny to Ballyragget Realignment
- N77 Ballynaslee Realignment
- N78 Crettyard Improvement
- R693 Threecastles Realignment
- R700 Wallslough to Bennettsbridge Improvement
- R705 Graiguenamanagh Relief Road
- Kilkenny Eastern Environs
- Low Cost Safety Improvement Schemes
N8 Quality Pavement Improvement Johnstown to Laois County Boundary
The scheme is approx. 4km in length and will complete the upgrading of the N8 within Kilkenny. It is proposed to seek funding from the NRA to carry out half the works in 2003 and the remainder in 2004.
N9 Priority Maintenance
A grant of €600,000 was allocated in 2002. This has been used to improve sections of pavement at Thomastown, Monamore / Earlsgrove, Lukeswell / Knockmoylan and Castlebanny. A further grant of €600,000 will be sought for 2003 to improve more sections of the N9.
N9 Mullinavat Streets
Works commenced in 2001 on the improvement of drainage & footways. No grant was allocated to the scheme in 2002. The estimate for completing the scheme is €440,000 and it is proposed to seek funding from the NRA to complete the scheme over a 2 year period.
N10 Quality Pavement Improvement Paulstown to Kilkenny
A rolling program has been undertaken in the past few years that has seen an 8km length of pavement out of a total of 17km being improved. It is proposed to seek funding for the improvement of a further 2.5km in 2003.
N10/N76 Kilkenny Ring Road
The existing Ring Road has been open to traffic for nearly 20 years and is showing signs of major deterioration. While some remedial works have been carried out, major works are now required for pavement improvement, upgrading of roundabouts, provision of footway/cycleway and upgrading of public lighting. A grant is being sought in 2003 for the design of these works.
N24 Piltown / Fiddown Bypass
This scheme opened to traffic in 2002 and consisted of the construction of 10km of wide single carriageway from Clonmore Cross to the South Tipperary County Boundary at Three Bridges (Carrick on Suir). Final account is presently being assessed.
N25 Waterford Bypass
This major scheme (approx cost € 200 million) is being carried out in co-operation with Waterford Co Borough who are the lead authority and Waterford Co. Council. The scheme involves an 18 km bypass route extending from Kilmeaden Co. Waterford to Slieverue Co Kilkenny incorporating a new bridge over the river Suir at Grannagh and 8km of associated link roads.
The scheme is designated as a PPP scheme and will operate as a tolled road. The scheme is planned to be constructed by means of a design / build / finance and operate contract. Construction on this scheme should commence in 2003
N25 Waterford to New Ross
Sections of the pavement from Waterford to New Ross are showing signs of major deterioration. A grant of €300,000 was allocated in 2002 and this was used to patch the worst affected areas and carry out testing of the pavement. The nature of future works to be carried out will depend on the results of testing which is currently been carried out.
N25 New Ross Second River Crossing & Bypass
Wexford Co. Co. are the lead authority for this scheme. The scheme commences with a roundabout on the existing N25 at Glenmore before crossing the River Barrow into Wexford. The scheme is currently at the Preliminary Design and Land Acquisition Phase.
N76 Kilkenny Ring Road to Brownstown / Rathaleek
This scheme consists of 2.5km of improvement from Kilkenny Ring Road to Tennypark and 2km of realignment from Tennypark to Brownstown / Rathaleek. The CPO documentation for this scheme is currently being prepared. It is proposed to concentrate initially on the realigned section of the scheme as this has a poor safety record including a history of fatal accidents.
N77 New Road Roundabout
A grant of €320,000 was allocated to the scheme in 2002. It is currently under construction and is open to traffic in a temporary capacity. It is proposed to complete this roundabout in early 2003.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension
This scheme consists of 4.2 km of wide single carriageway from the existing N10 Dublin Road Roundabout to a new roundabout on the N77 Castlecomer Road north of Glendine. 1100 metres of the Kilkenny to Dublin Railway Line is being permanently diverted to facilitate the scheme for which a Railway Works Order (RWO) is required. Notice to Treat was served on affected landowners in August. The contract documents are nearing completion and it is expected that the RWO process will be completed in the summer of 2003.
N77 Kilkenny to Ballyragget Realignment
This scheme is being designed by Tramore House Regional Design Office. The final version of the Constraints Report is being issued shortly. Consultants have been appointed to carry out the environmental assessment for the route options as part of the Route Selection Phase. The Route Selection Phase will be completed in 2003 if the required funding is made available.
N77 Ballynaslee Realignment
This scheme involves the realignment of 2km of road at the Laois County Boundary, which is substandard in alignment, width and visibility. A preliminary design for the scheme has been prepared
N78 Crettyard Improvement
This scheme involves pavement and junction improvements and the provision of a footway and traffic route lighting. This scheme was completed in December 2003.
R693 Threecastles Realignment
This 2.2km realignment scheme funded under the DOELG EU Co Finance was substantially completed in July. Some extra works together with the completion of snagging items are outstanding
R700 Wallslough to Bennettsbridge Improvement
The R700 Regional Road between Kilkenny and New Ross is substandard in width, alignment and visibility. The whole route is being looked at on an ongoing basis and funding is being sought under the EU Co-financed Scheme to commence works on this section in 2003
R705 Graiguenamanagh Relief Road
Following interviews in September 2002, the DoELG have approved the appointment of Malone ORegan as Consultants for the scheme. The Consultants costs will be acceptable as a charge against a 2003 or subsequent Specific Grant in the event that the scheme is selected for grant aid.
Kilkenny Eastern Environs
This involves a number of road improvement schemes in an area of Kilkenny that has seen a large amount of development in recent years with more development to follow. The road infrastructure is subsequently being upgraded to urban standard to cater for the growth in traffic and to provide pedestrian and cycle facilities. Recent works on the Johnswell Road have been funded from Development levies and the Discretionary Improvement Grant. A link road from Johnswell Road to Hebron Road has been included in the list of schemes submitted to the DoELG for funding.
Low Cost Safety Improvement Schemes
The following schemes were undertaken in 2002;
N9 Lukeswell / Knockmoylan
N24 Mooncoin to Clonmore
R693 Cooleeshal, Freshford
R693 Moate, Freshford
R700 Rathcusack, Bennettsbridge
R705 Ballynakill, Graiguenamanagh
R910 Waterford Road, Kilkenny