Urban Design Review Report for the Diageo site in Kilkenny City
The Kilkenny Local Authorities have agreed to purchase the Diageo/Smithwicks site in the centre of Kilkenny city, because of its pivotal importance to the economic and social well being of the city and county. The brewery lands consist of approximately 5.5ha (13.5 acres).There is a further 0.8ha (1.9 acres) in public ownership immediately adjacent and available. The purchase of the Diageo lands presents a unique opportunity to shape the development of Kilkenny City into the future.
Following on from the successful peer review process undertaken for the Central Access Scheme and in line with the Governments Policy on Architecture 2009 - 2015, to promote high quality urban design and architecture it was proposed that a colloquium should be held of experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the area of urban design and architecture, planning and property, to develop a set of design principles which will inform the development of a master plan for the area.
This review was organised in two parts, consisting of a half day on 5th December 2012, which involved an introduction to the project, a forum for discussion and a site visit, and a day-long gathering on 5th February 2013. This report is a summary of presentations and discussions which took place during the second stage of the review process at County Hall, Kilkenny, on 5th February 2013. The day involved a series of presentations by attendees outlining concerns, concepts and methodologies for the Diageo site and wider urban area, and concluded with a discussion of these ideas and future developments.
Download Kilkenny Design Review Report Feb 2013.pdf (size 62.9 KB)